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BARR Printing

With the exception of Frozen Reports, a BARR Printing option, including high speed printing, is available from all report objects in the IUIE.

Under the Output Destination section is a radio button that allows a user to direct output to a BARR printer. Next to the radio button is a text input field for the input of a 4 character BARR printer ID. There is no default BARR printer selection.

Departmental BARR Printing

Enter a BARR print ID to route report output to print. If the radio button is selected but the BARR printer ID field is left blank, the IUIE will read the empty field as an invalid BARR printer ID. An error page will be returned requesting that the user correct the printer ID or select another output destination.

Because BARR is essentially a registration service for departmental printers, users are expected to know the BARR printer ID's that they need to use. Only valid BARR printer ID's will be accepted in the text input field, but no list of valid printers is available within the IUIE.

Indianapolis High Speed printer

When sending output to the Indianapolis High speed printer, IRZA, click the "Run" button to begin submitting the job. The next screen is the High Speed Printing Preferences page. The Campus Mail address fields are filled in by default. To change the Campus mail address location, enter a different username or last name and then click the "Look up Address" button to populate the remaining fields.

Enter an account code, account number and sub-account, then click the "Run" button. If all information is entered correctly, a confirmation appears. An email is sent notifying the submitter when printing has begun. Output is delivered the next business day via Indianapolis to Bloomington Courier.

The distributed printing group maintains web pages that list BARR printers and the forms they support. Please visit the Help page for more information.

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